Cat Heartworm Disease vs. Dog Heartworm Disease
For many years, the veterinary community did not realize the true incidence and severity of Heartworm Disease in cats. The disease course, symptoms and outcome are very different in cats than in dogs. The cat is not an ideal host for the heartworm and their immune systems are better at fighting the infection than a dog's. However, the same mosquitos are biting cats as are biting dogs. They drop the heartworm larvae into the wound and the larvae begin migrating towards the heart. However in a cat, the immune system is much better at killing the worms so it is less likely to find mature worms living in the heart or great vessels. Frequently, cats suffer from infections involving very small numbers of worms, perhaps even single worms. The symptoms seen in a cat more frequently involve the lungs such as asthma and coughing, although they can also develop the traditional signs of heart failure or sudden death. Monthly prevention is vitally important in cats due to the fact that the medications we use to kill the adult worms in dogs cannot be used in cats. So, if a cat is infected with heartworms, we can only manage the disease and long-term damage rather kill the worms in order to stop the damage quickly.

Here at Franklin Falls, we carry many Heartworm and Intestinal Parasite preventatives. At your exam, we can discuss which would be the best fit for your family and your pets. (Click on the product for more information)